Basic News:
-I have two essays being considered for publication.
-Two, possibly three of the films I've done in the last two semesters are going to show at a small screening night.
-The film I edited last year is in several festivals right now.
-I have a possible gallery showing of some photography within the next two months or at the beginning of the fall.
-I am moving. And looking for a third roomate.
Basic Rundown:
-I've been really sick in the last week/week and a half, and I finally am beginning to feel like I'm recovering.
-The stress/shit-keeps-continually-hitting-the-fan diet has kicked in yet again. I've dropped an entire size.
-The Film From Hell is continuing to take over my life and consume WAY more time than it ever should have.
-Multiple times in the last few days I've felt like I absolutely must have lost my mind. All this shit is just way too crazy. I've forgotten what it's like to not live in the midst of extreme drama, and shit hitting the fan left and right.
Two very positive things:
-The semester is almost over. THANK GOD. I was convined that there was no way I could make it through this.
-I am moving. Fresh start. No memories of lovers and whispers of love and commitment will be hiding in the shadows. New rule: men that I am dating are not allowed to stay over at my apartment. Not that I'm dating anyone. And not that I'll be able to trust anyone of the male gender on a level in the remotely near future that would make staying over even close to an option (in otherwords, as of now, hell will freeze over before I date and/or allow said person I'm dating to stay over).
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