TONS of cute baby pictures have been floating around on the internet lately. I started reading Dooce over a year ago. Her Daily Photo's are always killer. Like this, this or this (Do you see those cheeks? OH MY GOSH. I could eat them, they're so cute).
Then, you have Judah Rudd. Leta is adorable, but absolutely nothing compared to Judah. That kid is so cute and so fun and SUCH A FLIRT! I only lived in Dallas for a few months, but gosh, do I ever have pictures of this kid.
Tonight, I had a girls-night-out with my roomates and one of their older female friends. We went to see The Little Mermaid ballet. It was very good, and I really enjoyed it. But I think I enjoyed looking at the cute kids and watching them watch the ballet more than I enjoyed the ballet itself. I was surrounded by cute little girls. Specifically the one sitting behind me. She was the most beautiful little Asian girl I have ever seen. She looked just like her mother. And here's the real kicker. Her dad explained what was taking place on stage to her first in English, then in her own language. It was so precious.
I want that cute baby and intelligent partner that will spend time patiently teaching our child. And then I remember. Child. You need a partner for that one. And to have a partner you have to make yourself vulnerable. On top of that, I'm picky. And despite everything, the standard has been set high. Very high.
I think it would definitely be simpler to take care of someone else's children and just be that cool old lady with all the cats.
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