Friday, February 03, 2006

Okay, so this isn't really actual blogging. But give me a break. It's late. My energy rush is hopefully dying, and if it isn't, the sleep drugs I just took will most assuredly kill it. So this is more like waiting to pass out/reminder blogging.

By Friday last week, I'd gone a good four days without my drugs. Maybe five. Somehow between Florida and Los Angeles, I managed to lose my bottle of drugs. Don't ask me how, because I have no idea. I don't remember much of the trip back because it was such a terrible experience. Maybe I'll elaborate on it later. Anyway, I had a few days worth saved at my place, incase such a horrible thing were to ever happen like losing a freshly filled bottle. I took it my first day back, but I was so horribly sick for the next few days that I didn't take anything because I was afraid it would result in hugging the toilet.

Once I was better, the first thing I did was try and get new perscription. You can always tell when someone hasn't ever personally dealt with an illness that involves constant and steady medication, because they are the people that make it difficult to get ahold of said drugs in a pinch. Short version being, I spent two days trying to get a doctor to call in the perscription, finally gave up on doctors and called the RN I know at the school clinic. She called it in.

The day after I went to pick it up, and they said my insurance wouldn't cover it. Some bullshit about a step program where I try all the drugs I've already tried, and then they'll cover it (obviously something got messed up with my records). $120. Uh, yeah. I don't have an extra $120 in my budget! The pharmacist said she would call my RN and see if she would call in a temporary substitute. After spending 15 minutes trying to explain to her that I couldn't take another drug, that it absolutely had to be this one because this one is the only one that's worked so far, I worked myself up to the point of almost tears and left. Can we tell the drugs had started wearing off?

So the next day, which would be Friday of last week, I went in again and talked to the same girl at the pharmacy. The night before had been ugly, and I really wasn't in the mood to start the bottoming out process that happened last time I went for a period of time without this drug. I explained to her again that I had lost my newly filled bottle, and that I needed to find a way to get it filled again AND covered by my insurance, because I honest to God couldn't wait any longer. Now not only did I almost cry at the drug store, but I felt embarassed about being that person at the pharmacy. You know, the one that sounds like a total addict in desperate need of a fix, because who else would insist so strongly on a particular drug as cheaply and quickly as possible? Yuck. So end of story being, the very nice pharmacist, after carefully listening to me, found a way to get it covered and filled within 15 minutes.

So maybe this has turned into real blogging. And I promise, there is a point to that tangent! The point is, I can always tell when my drugs have started to kick back in because I get serious energy rushes and typically have problems sleeping for a few nights in a row. Last night was night #1. Tonight has been night #2. One night of no sleep is about all I can take lately. I'm already tired even when I do sleep all night, so not sleeping for nights in a row is definitely not an option, which is why I'm rambling and waiting for some drugs to kick in at 2:20am.

Tomorrow hopefully I'll get lots of shit done, and then have some time to blog about non-drug related things and post some pictures of my recently knit items. And my cat. Everyone should know by now that any post including pictures is almost always going to include pictures of my kitty:-) Which reminds me. I need to blog about Edgar's first mouse.


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