So, in our backyard, there's this cement wall with a ledge on it, stuffed back against the hill. There's two levels to this ledge. The first level is about 6 feet from the ground. The second is about 6 feet from the first ledge. Yesterday I was hanging out with David on the second ledge. Somehow, when I stood up from the chair to turn around and go down, I fell. I still have no idea how I did it. Or any idea how I didn't break something or at least hit my head on the cinderblock and cement stairs. But I didn't. I landed, hard, in a silent heap on the very edge of the first ledge.
Originally, I was going to take pictures of my poor legs and blog them, but decided it's too gross. Maybe if I manage to get off the bed today, I'll go take a picture of the ledge I will never again sit on. But right now, I'm really not planning on moving, seeing as merely existing hurts. I'm sporting a bruise on my side that stretches from my left hip all the way up to my armpit. I have a three inch gash wrapping around one side of my left leg, along with a hand sized bruise/scrape/swell on my shin and a knee that's three times its normal size. The other leg just has a series of bruises and scrapes stretching from my big toe to about half way up my calf. Oh, and the entire upper half of my left arm is scraped and discolored as well.
So yeah. I spent the rest of the night eating dinner with David and talking with him so as to distract myself from how much everything hurt. I think I'll definitely be napping and watching a few movies today.
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