Goodness, it's been a long time since I blogged here. Unfortunately, this won't even be much of an entry.
Anyway, as most of you know, I knit. Especially during times of chaos and stress. The weeks before finals and midterms are the perfect example of this. I normally knit furiously during those weeks, and luckily, by next Wednesday I'll be on a plane to Dallas and through with finals and papers!
So here's the deal. Not only have I decided to knit most of my christmas gifts this year, I've also decided to knit extras of some of the more popular items and sell them. I'll have pictures up in a few days for everyone to check out. I'll be selling catnip filled kitty toys, fingerless gloves, felted mittens (by order only, due to specific sizing etc.) and small handbags/purses. Those are the items that work up quickest. If anyone has something else they'd like, I'm sure I can manage that as well (but no sweaters! Too short notice for large things like that).
So, be on the lookout for pictures in the next few days! And one I have them up, let me know what you'd like A.S.A.P. I'll only have one of everything I post available at first.