I've been going through severe privacy withdrawl for about a week now. You know, the kind that comes when you abruptly go from having your nice attic space where nobody but your cat bothers you to sharing two small hotel rooms with your ENTIRE family and two cats. Thank goodness tomorrow is the last day, because I can already tell tonight is going to be a long night; there are two kitties hopping around the room right now. I'm sharing a bed with my baby sister who kicks, and in the next bed over are my parents. I'm definitely one of those people that needs almost complete silence to sleep well. My dad has sleep apnea so uses a sleep machine that forces him to breathe. It used to keep him from snoring, but I have a feeling it isn't adjusted properly, because even with it on, he's snoring right now. AND I CAN'T STAND SNORING. Seriously. I would break up with someone if I discovered they were a heavy snorer and we hadn't been together too long. I greatly value my sleep. And I don't like anything that consistently interrupts it. Especially snoring. Snoring is to me what nails on a chalkboard are to most people. Oh. And my older younger sister snores as well, and I'd been sharing a room with her up until Thanksgiving. So by tomorrow, I can gurantee that I'll be really, really fun to be around. The combination of consistent junk/unhealthy food, being cooped up in a car and not having slept because of the SNORING will make me a real joy.
So please, if anyone feels like making my day a little brighter tomorrow, call me and help me kick the boredom of driving through the hickville south.
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