From May 27, 2006
today was unintentionally a very eventful day. as my brother and i were pulling up to a stoplight on a major street, a kitten ran from the grass out into and across the first three lanes of traffic, stopping under the truck next to my brother and i. the idiot was going to just drive off, knowing full well there was a kitten under his wheel, so i made my brother get out and try to get the kitten. we sucessfully scared him under my car, and then a nice man stopped and helped us chase the kitten out of traffic on the other side of the street, and eventually helped us fish him out fron the inside of my wheel well.
this is kitty (or "champ", as my brother has named him) directly after rescuing, on the way home:
we left him in gizmo's carrier with a blanket and some water, and headed back to meet up with my family. afterwards, my brother and i went and got some kitten milk and a bottle.
this is champ post-face-washing and post-feeding:
then, upon further inspection, we discovered not only was he dirty, but he was by FAR the most flea infested cat i have EVER seen (at this point, it's about 11:30pm). so, of to wal-mart to get flea shampoo and medicine (thank goodness for mom's!). it took FOREVER to get him washed and flea-free. the poor thing was shaking and exhausted by the time we finished, at around 1:30am.
this is champ post-bath, looking like a clean and much healthier kitten (albeit very exhausted. and look, he actually has a pink nose! i thought it was black when i found him):
so, now he's been wrapped in a warm towel, placed in a carrier and in the garage (my mom's doing, not mine! if i had my way, he'd be in a bedroom). and i have three hours to sleep before i have to get up and feed the little bugger.
after this, i want a six month break before the next stray cat finds me and either infests my house or breaks my bank account!
so, if anyone is interested in a kitten, please let me know! this guy needs a home ASAP. my dad is highly allergic to regular cats, so he isn't really even supposed to be in the house at all. we're guessing he's between 4 and 5 weeks old, and is able to drink kitten milk from a bowl.
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