Gosh, it's been a long time since I've blogged! Life has been busy. Life has been crazy. Life has been shitty and lovely, both at the same time. Funny how that works, eh?
As usual, I have a huge list of things I should be doing. Is blogging on them? Of course not! Is procrastination a habbit I left behind me when I finished college? Apparently not. I've still got that one down pat.
I think the most prominent news is that I am not moving out of The Compound. At least not yet. I'm staying here for the remainder of my time in LA, which will end somewhere around November 19th. About that time I'll be headed out to Memphis (yet again, if anyone would like to drive with me, let me know) to meet up with my family and grandparents, and then on back to Florida, making my usual stops in Tallahassee and Tampa on the way.
Another piece of exciting news: I'm going to the Bahamas for five months! I'll be semi participating in a program some people there are running, as well as producing and directing a few short segments to be distributed online and on DVD. Exciting! Though I'll be very sad to leave my kitty behind for so long.
So, enough procrastination. I have to be up at 6am for work, and it's almost 1am now.