Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Okay, I know this really isn't a huge deal, but I almost had a heart attack.

I was screwing around on google and typed in my name, out of curiosity. MY FILMS WERE IN THE FIRST THREE RESULTS! Not just my name, but my name associated with the films I've worked on recently. Someone actually deemed the projects I've worked on worthy of blogging. I am officially a filmmaker.

Goole Results

Film Reviews- My directing credit is listed. I also edited As If It Were Nothing.

APU News Release- This was printed in the paper, as well as an interview I did.

Stoopid Heroes Shoot

*I know some of the pictures aren't the greatest, but we didn't have a photographer on set, and obviously I was a little busy to mess with decent photos.

**I just can't resist pointing this out. Phil Boland didn't think I was a student worthy of his time. Now, let's see. Which one of us shows up on a google search? Which one of us is actually making films, instead of talking shit? Yeah, that's what I thought.


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