Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Recent KCRW Performances

The Decemberists
One of my all-time favorites. All of their albums are equally amazing, however, my first choice is Her Majesty. Their music has an eclectic sound and the lyrics are extremely metaphorical and story-like. They are one of the bands I've listened to constantly through this last year and a half of limbo. This radio performance definitely doesn't do them justice. I have seen them live several times, and they put on a truly stellar show.

This album (and pretty much all of their music) is perfect to edit to. One of my late-night favorites, especially when combined with a good drink and some solitude. I've listened to them on countless nights when I've been shut up alone in editing bays.

Aimee Mann
All of Aimee Mann's albums were on constant rotation through January and Febuary this year. She has a multitude of songs that resonate with where I am and have been in life. I've covered several of her songs at open mic. That's how much I like her.

Maria Taylor
You might know Maria Taylor from Azure Ray. This is her solo album, and if you like Azure Ray, you'll probably like this too. I really like her voice and her melancholy tone.

Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings
Very soulful, bluesy music. A little too upbeat for me to listen to on a regular basis, but still very good.

Kings of Convenience
This band definitely reminds me of a very emotional and difficult but somehow still amazingly beautiful period in my life. I had heard of them before my trip to San Diego last year, but Kings of Convenience and Travis will always be the bands that remind me of that trip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

open mic? you sing and play?


6:18 AM  
Blogger soft_anonymous said...

I sing. A friend of mine plays, but I'm in the process of learning.

9:34 AM  

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