Compound Stories Part I
I'm absolutely loving the compound. However, I'm not so sure I'm cut out for the amount of creatures that seem to cohabitate with us. Mice. Spiders. HUGE SPIDERS THE SIZE OF SILVER DOLLARS! Some of which were poisonous. Roaches that are so big my cat probably wouldn't even mess with them if he had been there at the time. And snakes. Yes, snakes.
Yesterday afternoon, I went down the outside steps to get something out of my car. In a matter of 20 seconds, a three and a half foot long snake managed to stretch itself across the second to last step. When I turned around to go back up the steps, I about had a heart attack. It took me about 15 seconds to react, and one I did I grabbed my stuff and ran down onto the street. I stood in my new spot for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to do. I sure as hell wasn't touching that thing. I didn't have my cell phone on me. So I yelled for Joe, in hopes that he'd hear me, which he did. Turns out it was a gopher snake.

After the snake was caught and moved, Emily was nice enough to tell me of the snake incident she had when she first moved in. She went to open the upstairs cabinet under the sink, and a snake jumped out at her! A. SNAKE. UNDER. THE. SINK. Yikes.
I was going to post photos of the different types of spiders I've encountered, but those of you that know me know full well that I'm terrified of spiders. I couldn't even look at the list of google images that I pulled up.
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