Saturday, June 11, 2005

I can definitely say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that while I missed a few people in Florida, I did not miss Florida itself. I have re-entered the land of hot stickiness, where if you happen to walk outside at the wrong time of day you find yourself covered from head to toe with mosquito bites. LARGE mosquito bites. Thank you very much, but I perfer the California desert.

The week that Elizabeth and Jeremiah spent in California with me was pretty uneventful. They helped me organize my new place, and we rediscovered the fact that I'm a very shitty tour guide. Everytime we tried to go somewhere it felt like we spent more time in traffic than we did at said place. We did see some interesting things though. At one point, walking by the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd., we saw a huge swarm of bees in the middle of the street. Then while walking back that way to the car, a kiosk on the sidewalk was taped off. Apparently the bees decided to take up residence there, resulting in police being called and caution tape being put it. A little odd. We also saw an old guy with a long white beard on a motorcycle, with his large dog straddling the bike in front of him. Jeremiah took an awesome picture of it for me (I was driving).

Now I'm here in Florida. It's been raining since I got here. Gray and melancholy. Which also describes my mood and state of mind these days.


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